2022 Community Health Survey

2022 Community Health Survey Cover Page

On this page you will find information about the 2022 Community Health Survey, which was offered in English and Spanish.  We welcome questions and comments about the survey and findings.

If you have any questions, comments, or if you would like a Health Department spokesperson to present information to your organization or community group, please call (970) 400-6470 or email he-healthdata@weld.gov.

About the Survey

Since 2007, the Weld Community Health Survey has been conducted every three years by Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment. In 2022, a geographically stratified random sample of 16,598 households were contacted by mail to complete the survey either online or on paper. A total of 1,828 adult residents responded in 2022 Community Health Survey - English(PDF, 533KB) or 2022 Community Health Survey - Spanish(PDF, 529KB) resulting in an 11% response rate. The data were weighted by several demographic factors using U.S. Census Bureau estimates so that the results are generalizable to the entire county population. More information about the survey methods(PDF, 19MB).

Key Findings

The key findings(PDF, 3MB) report and residents' comments(PDF, 2MB) from the 2022 survey are now available.  Additional community presentations can be found below:

Data Dashboard

2022 Focus Groups on Healthcare and Behavioral Health Access

Once the survey was complete and initial results were analyzed, the Health Department, in conjunction with Sunrise Community Health and North Range Behavioral Health, contracted with the Colorado Health Institute to conduct focus groups on general healthcare access and behavioral healthcare access. The purpose of these focus groups was to gather residents' experiences in accessing care in order to expand on barriers identified in the survey.

Summary of the findings from these focus groups(PDF, 7MB).

COVID-19 Key Findings

Due to the prevalence of COVID-19 and the ongoing public health emergency, additional COVID-19 questions were included on the 2022 survey.

Summary of the findings from the questions related to COVID-19(PDF, 6MB).