Assessor The Weld County Assessor is an elected officer of the county. The Assessor serves a four-year term and is elected in the county general election by the voters; if re-elected, a person can serve in the role of County Assessor for up to three consecutive four-year terms.
Clerk and Recorder The Weld County Clerk and Recorder has the responsibility for the following departments in county government: Recording Department, Election Department, Motor Vehicle Department, the Southeast Weld Branch Office, and the Southwest Weld Branch Office.
County Commissioners The five member Board of County Commissioners is the statutory head of Weld County's government.
County Council The Weld County Council is charged with reviewing all aspects of County government and to make periodic written reports to the people.
District Attorney The District Attorney represents the people of the State of Colorado in all state criminal actions brought within the Nineteenth Judicial District, which coincides with the boundaries of Weld County.
Sheriff The Weld County Sheriff's duties are established by Colorado Statutes and the Weld County Home Rule Charter.