Bidding - County contract bidding is to be “open and competitive.” Weld County bidders are to be given preference if the price and quality are competitive. The Commissioners must state their reasons publicly when other than the low bid is chosen. A ten day study period is required on all bids over $2,000.
Budget and Finance - Any increase in the mill levy about 5% must be referred to the County Council or the voters.
Citizen’s Advisory Boards - The Planning and Public Health Boards and the Board of (Zoning) Adjustments are expanded from the current five members to nine members each. Six members will be chosen from geographic districts, three at-large. All appointed board-commission members are limited
to two consecutive three-year terms.
Commissioners - The Board of Commissioners went from three members to five. Each Commissioner can serve a maximum of two consecutive four-year terms.
County Attorney - The Board of Commissioners will appoint a full-time County Attorney. Presently, the County Attorney is hired on an hourly basis as needed.
County Council - The Charter creates a 5-member, unsalaried County Council. They will be elected on a nonpartisan basis, 3 from districts, 2 at-large for a maximum of 2 four-year terms. The duties of the Council are to set elected
officer salaries, review government performance and appoint a performance auditor if deemed necessary,
fill commissioner vacancies, have authority to increase the maximum budget under certain circumstances
and rule on conflict of interest.
County Departments - The Charter provides for five major departments which are coordinated by the commissioners. The Commissioner Chairman is elected by the Board annually and coordinates the Finance, Purchasing and Personnel Departments.
Elected Officers - The Sheriff, Treasurer, Assessor, Clerk and Recorder, and Coroner are retained as elected posts. The only elected position to be abolished is the County Surveyor whose functions will be placed in the Engineering Services Department. Professional experience and educational qualifications are required for Sheriff and the appointed Undersheriff. No professional qualifications are set for other elected offices, although the chief deputies in the Treasurer and Assessor offices must meet professional standards.
Personnel - A central county personnel system is established. Controls are set on county officer and employee conflicts-of-interest.
Recall, Referendum and Initiative - The right of the citizens to petition for recall, referendum, and initiative is granted by the Charter. The electorate also may petition to amend or repeal the Charter.