Transport Permits

Please see New Updates for 2021 (Notice Letter)(PDF, 209KB)

The Transport Permit shall be used when vehicles using the County Road network are overweight or oversized or both based on the Guidelines for legal limitations and definitions found in the Rules and Regulations section of the Colorado Department of Transportation 2 C.C.R. 601-4 and in Chapter 8, Article XV of the Weld County Code. This permit is intended to implement safe traveling conditions for the permit holder, as well as, the traveling public on Weld County roads, and is issued in addition to all other State, City, or neighboring County permits.

Standard and Special Permits are issued for a single one-way trip.

Mobile homes moving from a location in Weld County must include a copy of the tax authentication (see Treasurer) with application (this does not apply to new mobile home delivery from the factory). Annual permits are subject to approval.

Oil rig permits are issued each time a rig changes locations and utilizes County roads. All vehicles/loads associated with a specific rig move are included in the approved permit.  Workover rigs may apply for Annual permits if applicable.

For additional Permit Conditions and/or restrictions that may apply to these vehicles, please see the Transport Permit Application form and Checklist. There is a minimum of 24 hours for processing and approval from the time applications are received.  Applications received after 1:30 p.m. MST will go onto the next business day.

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Visit Weld County's e-permit website to search for issued permits