First page of each document $13.00
Each additional page $5.00
Each additional page larger than legal size $10.00
Documentary Fees (C.R.S. 39-13-102)
A state documentary fee is assessed only on documents conveying real property.
$.01 per $100.00 if the sale price is greater than $500.00.
Maps/Plats (shall be at least 18 inches wide by 24 inches long and no more than 24 inches wide by 36 inches long)
Each additional page $10.00
Real Estate UCC Financing Statement (Paper Recording)
1-2 pages $13.00
3 or more pages $18.00
Real Estate UCC Financing Statement (Electronic Recording)
Federal Tax Liens and Federal Tax Releases
First page of each document $8.00
Military Discharge
No Charge
In office or by mail $.25 per page.
Online $.50 for the first page and $.25 for each additional page per document.
Certified Copies
In office or by mail $.25 per page and $1.00 per document for certification.
Online $.50 for the first page and $.25 for each additional page per document and $1.00 per document for certification.
Maps/Plats 24” X 36”
$5.00 per page
Postage Fee
To avoid paying a postage fee, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your request. The envelope must be large enough to accommodate the number of copies requested
1-7 pages $1.00
8-60 pages$3.00
61+ pages $5.00
Paper Reports
$.05 per page
Certificate of Magistracy
Sharefile Cloud Service
$1,000.00 onetime set up fee, then $500.00 per month.
Unlimited Online Record Access
$300.00 per month
Certified Copy
Address: 1250 H Street PO Box 459 Greeley, CO 80632
Phone:(970) 304-6530 Fax: (970) 353-1964 Email:
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Marriage Licenses/Civil UnionsBy Appointment Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Call office to schedule