CSU Extension, Certified Crop Advisors to host Crops Input Conference

Published on March 07, 2023

Agriculturalist examining crops

Colorado State University (CSU) Extension and the Colorado Certified Crop Advisors are announcing the second annual Crops Input Conference. It will be held on Friday, March 10. It will be located in-person at the Desoto Building in Sterling, Colorado, and via Zoom. The program begins at 8:30 a.m. and will continue until approximately 4:45 p.m.

Seven certified crop advisor credits will be offered for attendance in categories of Nutrient Management, Soil and Water, Pest Management, and Crop Management. Speakers will include Adam Osterholzer, CSU Entomologist, speaking about Wheat Stem Sawfly; Esten Mason, CSU wheat breeder, speaking on wheat variety updates; Neal Kittelson, Colorado Department of Agriculture, speaking on pesticide updates, along with company representatives from BASF Climate Protection, FMC Corporation, UPL Agriculture Solutions, Godsey Precision Ag, Bayer, Syngenta, Brandt, Gowan, and Corteva discussing industry product updates.

The program is available free of cost due to industry sponsorship. However, registration is required for both
in-person and zoom attendees. Please register at https://goldenplains.extension.colostate.edu/programs/agriculture/crop/.


CSU Crops Input Conference Schedule.png(DOCX, 756KB)

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