April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Published on April 07, 2022

DHS Staff with Board of County Commissioners

This year, Weld County recognizes April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and reaffirms its dedication to preventing child abuse and improving the quality of life for all children and families in Weld County.

At Monday's board meeting, the Board of County Commissioners proclaimed April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Weld County, stating that all children deserve safe, loving, nurturing homes and communities to foster their healthy growth and development.

Staff from the family prevention and resource and child welfare divisions and community partners, such as Life Stories Child and Family Advocacy, attended.

"We appreciate the county's efforts in assisting us (Life Stories) for so many years and our services to kids. Unfortunately, we are still doing it, and hopefully, we learn every day how to provide even better services for kids. Still, we appreciate our partnerships and couldn't do it alone." said Gwen Schooley, Life Stories Executive Director.

When children and families need assistance, the Weld County Department of Human Services is there to provide a level of support to prevent family breakdown and ensure the safety of children.

This month and throughout the year, Weld County Government encourages all individuals and organizations to play a role in making Weld County a better place for children and families. By ensuring that parents have the knowledge, skills, and resources to care for their children, we can help promote children and youth's social and emotional well-being and prevent child abuse within families and communities.

"In Weld County, we are grateful to have strong and enduring community collaborations and partnerships, which allow us to leverage programs and resources and create strong and thriving children and families by working together." Said Jamie Ulrich, Director of the Weld County Department of Human Services. "The future prosperity of our community depends on our ability to foster the health and well-being of the next generation."

For more information about Weld County Department of Human Services and the prevention division, please visit https://www.weldgov.com/Government/Departments/Human-Services/Family-Resource.

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