Public Input for Comprehensive Plan Goes Virtual

Published on August 05, 2020

Public Input for Comprehensive Plan Goes Virtual

When the county launched its comprehensive plan update campaign in January, the goal was to go out to the communities and solicit public input about growth in Weld County.

In fact, the first public outreach campaign, which occurred at the Colorado Farm Show, gathered more than 130 surveys from residents and Weld County landowners from Stoneham to Mead, Lochbuie to Ault. Plans were in the works to attend town festivals throughout the summer and continue gathering input from residents. COVID-19, however, changed all of that.

So, the county is now taking its public information gathering campaign online. Weld County residents and landowners are invited to visit and take a quick two-minute survey to share their thoughts about future growth in Weld County. That information, along with work the county’s planning staff, will be used to propose updates to the county’s comprehensive plan.

While the comprehensive plan update focuses on building and development, you can't really have that update without also looking at transportation and public infrastructure, as well. That's why we are also updating our transportation plan (and why there are transportation questions in the online survey above).

Starting August 3, 2020, and running through August 28, 2020, the survey link will be live on the website. Additional information about the update process, as well as dates for public comment at the Planning Commission Meeting and Board of Commissioner Meetings is also available on the site.
If you are interested in reviewing the current comprehensive plan, you can read it in Chapter 22 of the Weld County.

Information about the county’s transportation plan can be found by clicking here.