Weld County is working on several projects that need your input. Chime in on our Public Input page.
Published on August 21, 2017
Draft ballot language regarding proposed amendments to the Weld County Home Rule Charter is now available for review by the public. The Weld County Attorney has put together a draft resolution “to repeal Article XIII in its entirety and Sections 14-7(2)(b), 16-10(11), and 16-10(12) of the Weld County Home Rule Charter, and to repeal and reenact Sections 3-8(4)(p), 3-9(1), 3-15(1), 6-1, 6-3, 6-5(4), 6-6(1), and 14-7(2)(a) of the Weld County Home Rule Charter, eliminating the Weld County Council and all references thereto...” Along with the proposed resolution language, there is also draft language for two ballot questions. The Weld County Board of Commissioners will vote on whether or not to put the proposed Charter amendments on the November 7, 2017, ballot at the regular Monday morning Board meeting on August 28 and 9:00 a.m. in the County Administration Building (1150 O St., Greeley). Public comment is welcome on this issue during the public comment portion of the Board meeting on Wednesday, August 23, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. and during the hearing regarding this issue at the Monday, August 28, 2017, Board meeting. Proposed Resolution(PDF, 48KB) Proposed Referred Ballot Question 1A(PDF, 45KB) Proposed Referred Ballot Question 1B(PDF, 35KB)