Pipeline Working Group Meeting Set for September 25

Published on September 18, 2017

Pipeline working group meeting set for September 25

The Board of Weld County Commissioners, along with the Planning Department, will hold a second working group meeting to discuss possible changes to the county code regarding pipeline regulations.

This meeting, which is open to the public, is a continuation of the pipeline regulation discussion started by the county in early August.

“Pipelines are a huge point of discussion right now,” said Barbara Kirkmeyer, Commissioner Coordinator for Planning. “The tragedy in Firestone has brought forward some valid questions and concerns by the public. And while the state is addressing the concerns that fall under their purview, we, as county government, want to look at our code and continue to look for ways to improve our processes.”

Discussion during this meeting will focus on the consideration of possible changes to the county’s current pipeline regulations as found under section 23-1-90 of the Weld County Code, including the potential expanding of the definitions to incorporate flowlines and gathering lines. Other topics to be discussed will include pipeline mapping requirements, pipelines that carry produced water, the size of pipelines and the hoop stress for natural gas pipelines.

The meeting will be held on Monday, September 25, in the County Administration Building located at 1150 O St., in Greeley from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.