Opportunity Available for Participation on Bright Futures Board

Published on May 19, 2017

Bright Futures board opportunity for county residents

The Weld County Commissioners are seeking Weld County residents interested in volunteering to serve on the newly formed Bright Futures Board of Directors. Applicants should be passionate about the successful development of Weld County’s work force through post-secondary educational opportunities and be committed to the goal of achieving long-term sustainability for this unique and exciting program.

Duties of the Board of Directors include providing policy guidance for the program and creating and overseeing the implementation of a strategic approach to fundraising and marketing to support the program.

The Board will consist of seven members including two Weld County Commissioners, one Workforce Development Board member, and one Upstate Colorado Economic Development member, leaving three open seats to be filled by donor and/or citizen members. These three initial appointments will serve staggered terms of one year, two years, and three years. Subsequent appointments to this board will be made by the members of the Bright Futures Board and be for terms of three years.

Members of the Bright Futures Board shall serve without compensation. Board meeting dates and times have not yet been set, but the Board will be required to meet at least monthly.

If you are interested in serving on this board, please submit the application found at www.weldgov.com/government/boards_and_commissions.

Applications are due to Karla Ford kford@weldgov.com by 5:00 p.m. on June 2.