Weld County is working on several projects that need your input. Chime in on our Public Input page.
Published on July 06, 2017
During yesterday’s board meeting, the Weld County Commissioners approved seven appointments to the new Bright Futures of Weld County Board of Directors. This board will provide leadership and direction for the program, which will be incubated under Upstate Colorado Economic Development. “This grant program, which Weld County launched in September of 2015, sent hundreds of Weld County students to a variety of post-secondary institutions to continue their education last year,” said Commissioner Chair Julie Cozad. “It was exciting to initiate this type of program for our residents, and it is equally exciting to pass it along to a new board and Upstate Colorado to further grow and promote it.” The Bright Futures Board, which will consist of seven members including two Weld County Commissioners, one Workforce Development Board Member and one Upstate Economic Development member, are:
“This Board consists of people passionate about the program,” said Commissioner Pro-Tem Steve Moreno. “I am confident the future of Bright Futures is brighter than ever!” Meeting times and locations, as well as future board appointments, will be set by the Bright Futures Board of Directors.