More Explosive-Gas Monitors Now Available to County Residents

Published on September 07, 2017

More explosive-gas monitors now available to county residents

Following an overwhelming initial response to a new county program which provides one explosive-gas monitor to each Weld County household, the Board of Commissioners is happy to announce the next shipment of monitors is now available for residents.

“We weren’t sure what the response would be when we announced the program,” said Commissioner Chair Julie Cozad. “We are glad residents feel this program is beneficial, and we appreciate everyone’s patience while we ordered another shipment.”

Approximately 400 residents expressed interested in receiving a monitor after the county announced the program on August 24th.

“We will again have monitors available at our Planning Department in Greeley,” said Commissioner Kirkmeyer, Coordinator for Planning this year. “We will also have monitors available for pick up on Tuesday, September 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Firestone Town Hall and on Tuesday, September 12, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Fort Lupton City Hall.”

To pick up a monitor, residents must bring proof of Weld County residency such as a utility bill, driver’s license or property tax statement. There is a limit of one monitor per household.

Funding for the monitors, which detect carbon monoxide, propane and methane, comes from the county’s general fund. To date the county has spent $19,102 for the monitors.
“If we exhaust this supply, we’ll order more,” said Kirkmeyer. “It is important to us that residents feel safe in their homes and feel like county government is being proactive and responsive to their concerns.


Greeley: Daily
WC Planning Dept.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday
1555 N. 17th Ave.
Please call ahead to ensure availability (970-400-3548).

Firestone: Tues., Sept. 12
Town Hall
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
151 Grant Ave.

Fort Lupton: Tues., Sept. 12
Ft. Lupton City Hall
5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
130 S. McKinley Ave.