Deadline for Monitors Approaching

Published on October 05, 2017

Deadline for monitors approaching

Time for Weld County residents to pick up or reserve an explosive-gas monitor is quickly nearing an end, but not before one more public event at Mead Town Hall, 441 3rd St. on Tuesday, October 10, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Supply on hand will be limited, so residents who are not able to take one home that night will have their name added to the county’s reservation list to ensure one is ordered for them at the end of the month.

During Commissioner Coordinator reports at the Wednesday Board meeting, Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer reported handing out 200 monitors at the Erie event last week; Commissioner Mike Freeman spoke about handing out close to 100 in Eaton as well.

“If it makes people feel safer in their homes then it makes sense for the county to make these available to residents,” Freeman said.

To date, the county has given almost 1,800 monitors to county residents.

“I’m glad we are able to work in this last give-away event in Mead next week,” said Commissioner Chair Julie Cozad. “But we also want to remind people they can still contact our Oil and Gas Liaison in the Planning Department up until October 31st to be put on the order list. We want to make sure every resident that wants a monitor has the opportunity to get one.”

To put your name on the order list, please email Troy Swain at or call 970-400-3548. Proof of county residency, such as a utility bill, property tax statement or driver’s license will be required in order to obtain a monitor.

The county started this monitor give-away program August 24th following the tragic home explosion in Firestone earlier this year.