Published on December 21, 2017
The Weld County Commissioners are seeking Weld County residents interested in volunteering to serve on the following boards: Board of Trustees for North Colorado Medical Center, Building Trades Advisory Committee, Juvenile Community Review Board, Noxious Weed Management Advisory Board and Workforce Development Board. Board of Trustees for North Colorado Medical Center administers the lease of the hospital to North Colorado Medical Center Inc. Serves as a liaison between NCMC Inc. and the County Commissioners. Identifies community needs concerning hospital services. Seven members serve three-year terms. Time commitment is two hours per month. The Board meets the last Monday of each month at noon. *There is currently one opening on this board. Building Trades Advisory Committee acts as a citizen advisory board to review proposed changes in the Weld County Building Code Ordinance. Reviews complaints relating to the administration and enforcement of the ordinance. Serves as a communication link between the county and the construction industry. Eleven members serve three-year terms. Time commitment is six hours annually. The Board meets the third Thursday of April and October at 5:30 p.m. *There is one opening for an Electrical Contractor. Juvenile Community Review Board encourages state and local government cooperation concerning adjudicated delinquent youth. Reviews specific youths proposed for community placement by the Division of Youth Services and accepts or rejects these recommendations. Seven regular members serve three-year terms. Time commitment is two hours per month. The Board meets the second Monday of each month at noon when there are cases to be heard. *There is one opening for an alternate position in the area of bar association. Noxious Weed Management Advisory Board advises County Commissioners regarding integrated weed management on county and private property. Members must live within the unincorporated part of the county and must own more than 40 acres of land in Weld County. Five members serve three-year terms. Time commitment is eight hours annually and meets quarterly, the third Thursday at 7:00 p.m. *There is one opening on this board. Workforce Development Board are owners, Chief Executive Officers and individuals in the local area with optimum policy making or hiring authority and leaders from the workforce system, education and economic development. The WDB is charged with identifying regional workforce needs, developing and implementing systems in response and providing overall direction for Employment Services of Weld County. Time commitment averages three hours per month. General meetings convene six times per year on Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m. and sub-committees meet 3-4 times per year. *There is currently one position for a member working in the labor organization who has been nominated by local labor federations. Applications are available on the Boards and Commissions tab within the Commissioner’s section at or through email, and will be accepted through January 12th. For further information, please contact Karla Ford at 970 336-7204 or