Commissioners Recognize the Achievements of Camp Cloverbud

Published on August 30, 2017

Commissioners recognize 4-H Camp Cloverbud's efforts to help foster care children

Weld County Commissioners issued a proclamation today recognizing the achievements of Camp Cloverbud, a summer camp offered to children ages 5-7 through Weld County 4-H.

“Camp Cloverbud is an introduction to the many facets of 4-H, and a community service project is always an important part of our campers’ experience,” said 4-H Events Coordinator Teresa Johnson. “We have great kids and great moms that support and encourage them.”

As part of this summer camp’s activities, approximately 50 boys and girls stuffed 15 backpacks with age-appropriate personal and comfort items for children in emergency foster care situations. The backpacks contained blankets, stuffed animals, hygiene products and snacks, and were donated to Weld County Department of Human Services to be distributed as needed.

The Commissioners were joined by two 6-year-old Cloverbud girls and their mothers, who helped say the Pledge of Allegiance and passed out gifts. Also present were Judy Griego, Director of Human Services, Heather Walker, Division Head of Child Welfare, and Shanon Staires, Foster Care Supervisor, all of whom made statements thanking the children, their parents and 4-H for making life easier for those foster care children who can now take comfort knowing that other children in the community care about them.

“We are so proud of these kids, their parents and Teresa’s leadership at 4-H,” said Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer. “Thank you for reaching out to children in foster care—the love and compassion you showed meant a lot to these kids in need. We urge the community to take the example of Camp Cloverbud children, who brought an awareness of other children who are in need of comfort and care in their county.”

There are currently 186 children in foster care and only 63 certified foster families available. Weld County urgently needs more certified foster families, particularly for children with special needs, sibling groups, older youth and young people who speak a different language. To learn more about becoming a foster parent, call Shanon Staires, Foster Care Supervisor, at (970) 400-6849 or email