April Proclaimed Child Abuse Awareness Month
Published on April 10, 2017
In partnership with National Child Abuse Awareness Month, the Weld County Board of Commissioners proclaimed April as Weld County Child Abuse Awareness Month and April 8 as Day of the Young Child.
Child Abuse Awareness Month is intended to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect and to urge citizens to protect the quality of life for all children. Child abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual, and is most often committed by a person with an existing relationship to the child, such as a parent, legal guardian, friend, or relative.
“Preventing and ending child abuse is a community effort,” said Barbara Kirkmeyer, Commissioner Coordinator for the Department of Human Services. “Each of us must do what is in our power to protect children—this means reporting suspected abuse, offering help to a family in need, and volunteering with an organization focused on education and prevention.”
In addition to Child Abuse Awareness Month, April 8th was proclaimed Day of the Small Child. The hope of this proclamation is to increase awareness regarding the importance of early childhood development, particularly in the prenatal to 8 years stage. Further, Day of the Young Child aims to better accessibility to pathways of services which lead to lifelong wellbeing for children, and to encourage the investment in early childhood-enriching programs, such as early education, after school programs, and child care facilities.
And do not hesitate to report suspected child abuse—contact the Weld County Abuse or Neglect Hotline at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437)