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The Colorado Department of Agriculture is concerned with the invasive potential of some species. Therefore, they have created a watch list. This watch list encourages people to look for these species to determine if they are in Colorado and how much they are invading. Additionally the watch list provides direction for researchers. The researchers are encouraged to look at these potential weed specie of concern and provide documentation about the plants.
From the watch list these species may or may not be listed as true noxious weeds and placed on the A, B, or C lists depending on what is determined after the weeds are monitored for a period of time.
Pocket Guide to Watch List Species
Meduashead and Ventenata Handout(PDF, 978KB)
Baby's Breath
Caucasian Bluestem
Common Bugloss
Common Reed
Garlic Mustard
Garden Loosestrife
Himalayan Blackberry
Hoary alyssum
Meadow Hawkweed
Perennial Sweet Pea
Scotch Broom
Syrian Beancaper
Tall Oatgrass
Ventenata Grass
White Bryony
Yellow Bluestem
Yellow Mignonette