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The Colorado Department of Agriculture also placed a number of species on the “C list”. This list was created by reviewing all of the species that have been considered noxious weeds in Colorado. Due to the large acres of infestation of these species the goal has been to provide education, research and biological control resources to the entities that choose to require management of these species.
Plants on the “C List” have the potential to be very invasive noxious weeds that quickly transform an area. If one of these noxious weed species is just invading into your property, it is advisable to address the issue and eradicate the plants instead of allowing them to become established. These plants are very invasive if left unattended.
In Weld County, from this list, we focus on the suppression of field bindweed.
(PDF, 735KB) (PDF, 418KB)
(PDF, 571KB) (PDF, 468KB)
Common Mullein(PDF, 735KB)
Cheatgrass / Downy Brome(PDF, 418KB)
Field Bindweed(PDF, 571KB)
Field Bindweed Mite Release Instructions(PDF, 348KB)
Puncturevine / Goatheads(PDF, 468KB)
Bulbous bluegrass
Common Burdock
Common St. Johnswort
Perennial Sowthistle
Poison Hemlock
Redstem Filaree
Siberian Elm
Tree of Heaven
Velvet Leaf
Wild Proso Millet