Interested to learn what bills Weld County officials are watching? Check out the latest list of bills the county is supporting, opposing and monitoring.
It is essential to have good references if you are going to identify the vegetation on your property. There are several good books available with great color pictures and descriptions. The Weld County Weed Division staff have access to these books and can use them to help you. If you want to own your own set of books the order forms are attached on the right column.
Annual Grasses Guide(PDF, 1007KB)
Thistle Field Guide(PDF, 1MB)
Knapweed, Spurge and Toadflax Field Guide(PDF, 1MB)
Introduced Annuals 1 Field Guide(PDF, 2MB)
Introduced Annuals 2 Field Guide(PDF, 2MB)
Native Annuals 1 Field Guide(PDF, 2MB)
Native Annuals 2 Field Guide(PDF, 2MB)
Toxic Plants for Livestock Field Guide(PDF, 4MB)
CWMA Weed ID Tool
Kansas State Wildflower Website
Plant Biology and Growth Handout(PDF, 366KB)
Colorado Weed Management Association
Weed Of The Great Plains
Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West