Identifying Plants

List A - Eradication Species

 The Colorado Department of Agriculture has evaluated the noxious weed situation throughout the state. As a result they have created a hierarchy policy for certain species across the state. Plants on the “A List” have the potential to be very invasive noxious weeds that quickly transform an area. The plants on this list either are not in Colorado yet or are present in very limited numbers and eradication of these species is still possible.

Keep in mind; the noxious weeds mandated for control are plants that are non-native to North America. Consequently, these plants do not have the natural checks found in their native land such as insects or diseases. Due to the competitive aggressive nature of these plants they tend to out compete our native vegetation by forming mono-cultures. Many of these species are also toxic to livestock and wildlife, or have limited grazing potential.

African Rue flower Camelthorn plant Common Crupina Cypress Spurge(PDF, 721KB) Dyers Woad Seeds

Elongated Mustard Giant Reed Giant Salvinia Hydrilla

Meadow Knapweed Mediterranean Sage Medusahead Myrtle Spurge(PDF, 721KB) Orange Hawkweed

Purple Loosestrife(PDF, 535KB) Rush Skeletonweed Squarrose Knapweed Tansy Ragwort Yellow Starthistle

Hairy Willow Herb(PDF, 399KB) Parrotfeather Flowering Rush Knotweed Flowers