Right of Way and Surveying
Weld County has approximately 2,345 miles of gravel and over 677 miles of paved roads to maintain. The traffic using our roads continues to increase as the county grows in population. To assist in the maintenance of county roads, the Engineering Division routinely counts road segments. Approximately 500 miles of roads are counted on an annual basis. We also control access to county roads and recommend signing and speed limit changes based on engineering criteria.
Call Before You Dig (811)
Knowing where underground utility lines are buried before each digging project begins helps to prevent injury, expense and penalties. The depth of utility lines may vary and multiple utility lines may exist in one area. Simple digging jobs can damage utility lines and can disrupt vital services to an entire neighborhood, harm those who dig and result in expensive fines and repair costs. Marked lines show those who dig the approximate location of underground lines and help prevent undesired consequences.
One easy phone call to 811 quickly begins the process of getting underground utility lines marked. 811 personnel will then notify affected utility companies, who will send crews to mark underground lines for free.
For simple home improvement projects and even on private property, calling 811 will save you time and hassle.
For further information, visit www.call811.com.