Weld County is working on several projects that need your input. Chime in on our Public Input page.
If you would like to leave us a comment or report a concern on items like potholes, missing or damaged signs, rough road issues, spill, trash, etc., you can do so here electronically or during work hours you can call 970-400-3750.
However, if you find something that is an imminent danger to the traveling public like a downed stop sign, a sink hole or hazardous spill DO NOT use this form but contact dispatch immediately at 970-400-2700 or you may contact Public Works during business hours at the above number.
If you find a damaged gas or water line call 911.
Concerns about dead animals in the road or County Right of Way are not taken by Public Works and the information should be sent to Animal Control at 970-356-4015.
Verify the jurisdiction over the issue of concern