Drainage Review

Development Review is responsible in ensuring safe, effective collection, conveyance, and storage of storm water runoff in a non-damaging and non-life threatening manner.

Additional stormwater management duties include the protection of the overall water quality of the County’s water resources and ensuring compliance with all applicable water quality regulations related to storm water runoff, including Phase II MS4 requirements which are regulated by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. 

Weld County’s Storm Drainage Criteria can be found in the Weld County Code. The criteria was developed as an addendum to the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual in order to more effectively reflect the rural nature of development in Weld County.

The following documents have been provided to guide engineers through Weld County's drainage review process:

Drainage Report Checklist(PDF, 188KB)

Certificate of Compliance(PDF, 135KB)

Rational Method Runoff Coefficients(PDF, 160KB)

Detention Basin Volume Estimating Workbook(XLS, 2MB)

Peak Runoff Prediction Workbook - Rational Method(XLS, 136KB)

Weld County Engineering and Construction Criteria (WCECC)