Current Planning

The goal of planning is to maximize the health, safety, and economic well-being of residents in ways that reflect the needs, desires, and culture of those who live and work within the County. This is accomplished through implementing the Comprehensive Plan and adopted land use and land division chapters in the County Code approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The current planning process is designed to provide a consistent review of individual land-use matters through standards adopted by the County.

Zoning regulations are rules that define how a property can be used.  The purpose of the zoning regulations is to create zones or areas for different types of land uses to provide separation between uses that may be incompatible and promote compatible land use patterns and establish standards appropriate for each zoning district.


The answers below are intended to provide general information for many common questions.  Please refer to the Weld County Code for actual regulations.  Any discrepancy will be decided based on what is in the Weld County Code and the specific situation and property.

What is the zoning of my property?

By using the Weld County Zoning Map, you can find the zoning for a specific property in the unincorporated area several ways:

  • Find by parcel number - If you have the parcel ID number for the property, you can find zoning information by entering that parcel number in the Parcel # tab at the top of the page.
  • Find by address - If you have an address but no parcel number, go to the Address tab at the top of the page.
  • Find on the zoning map - If you know the general location of the property you can zoom in and out of the map to find the location.
  • Contact the Planning Department - To verify the zoning district for a particular property, contact the Planning Department at (970) 400-6100 or through our online question/comment form.  Please be prepared to provide an address or parcel number to identify the property.

Can I subdivide my property?

The minimum lot size of unplatted land in the A (Agricultural) Zone District in unincorporated Weld County is 35 acres.  In order to subdivide land, public water is required (this does not include well water).  If you have public water you may be able to subdivide your land depending on the acreage and location.  Many other criteria apply.

If your property is greater than 35 acres, zoned Agricultural, an active farm or ranch, not in a subdivision, has adequate water, etc., a single division may be possible.  Please call the Planner On Call for further information at (970) 400-6100.  It is very helpful to have your parcel number, or other information, to identify your property when you call.

How many animals can I have on my property?

For properties zoned A (Agricultural), E (Estate), or R-1 (Low-Density Residential), please see the Animal Units Tables in Section 23-1-90 of the Weld County Code.  Animals are not allowed in the C (Commercial) or I (Industrial) zoned properties.

Each property can have four (4) household pets of one species or a total of seven (7) household pets of two (2) or more species with the exception of lots at least 10 acres in size and not in a subdivision or historic townsite.  If your lot is at least 10 acres, and outside of a subdivision or historic townsite then you can have up to eight (8) household pets of one (1) species or sixteen (16) household pets of two (2) or more species.

Can I have a second home on my property?

Most properties in unincorporated Weld County can now have an Accessory Dwelling Unit with just a building permit (ADU permit). In the Agricultural zone, including in Ag-zoned subdivisions like Aristocrat Ranchettes, Arrowhead, and Indianhead, a minimum of 1 acre is required if the property has public water and is on septic. A minimum of 2.5 acres is required for lots on well and septic.

ADUs are also allowed in the Estate zone, and in R-1, R-2, and R-5 zone districts if the lot has public water and public sewer. Lots of at least 1 acre with public water may have an ADU on septic if the nearest sewer line is at least 400 feet from the property.

An ADU could be a second house, within a house, attached to a house, or over a garage, for example. There are no size limits but ADUs must meet the same building code requirements as all other homes. No more than one ADU (two dwelling units total) per lot is allowed.

The ADU must share the driveway with the existing house. No new driveways are allowed for ADUs.

You will need to contact your water provider to find out if an additional tap is required, or the state Division of Water Resources if you are on well water: 970-352-8712. Please also contact the County Environmental Health Department regarding septic system permits: 970-400-6415.

To apply, please visit:

Can I have outdoor storage on my property?

if your property is zoned A (Agricultural) in unincorporated Weld County, outdoor storage of other people's property is not permitted. All personal property stored outside must be associated with a permitted use, such as a farm or residence. Outdoor storage is only permitted in C-3 (Business Commercial), I-2 (Medium Industrial), and I-3 (Heavy Industrial) properties through a Site Plan Review (SPR) application. Please submit a pre-application request to discuss your project.

How can I use my property? (Can I operate a business from my property?)

Weld County has different uses for each property’s zoning. These are outlined in the Weld County Code.

A (Agricultural) Zone District – Section 23-3-10

Residential Zone Districts – Section 23-3-100

Commercial Zone Districts – Section 23-3-200

Industrial Zone Districts – Section 23-3-300

E (Estate) Zone District – Section 23-3-400

PUD (Planned Unit Development) - Chapter 27.  Please call the Planning Department at (970) 400-6100 for further information.

What are my setbacks and offsets?

The setbacks (distance from edge of right of way) and offsets (distance from other property lines) of your property depend on the zoning of your property.

In the A (Agricultural) Zone District the setback is twenty (20) feet, and the offsets are three (3) feet or one (1) foot for every three (3) feet of building height, whichever is greater.

In Residential Zone District the setbacks is twenty (20) feet, and the offsets are five (5) feet or one (1) foot for every three (3) feet of building height, whichever is greater.

In the Commercial Zone Districts the setback is twenty-five (25) feet and the offset is ten (10) feet.

In the Industrial Zone District the setback is twenty-five (25) feet and the offset is ten (10) feet or one (1) foot for every two (2) feet of build height, whichever is greater. 

How can I learn about current land use cases?

To learn about land use cases, please visit the E-Permit Center, select the "Planning" tab at the top of the page. You can search by either the Record Number (case number), street address or parcel number, then click the "Search" button. Usually just the case number works best.

Can I live in a Recreational Vehicle (RV) while building my home?

If your property is zoned A (Agricultural), this is a temporary use permittable through a Zoning Permit for a Manufactured Home (ZPMH). Please contact us at (970) 400-6100 for further information or apply online through our E-Permit Center.