Planning Commission

The Planning Commission board consists of nine members. The Board of County Commissioners determine six (6) geographic areas and appoint one (1) member from each of the geographic areas. Three of the Planning Commission members are appointed at-large by the Board of County Commissioners. The term of office is for three (3) years.

The Planning Commission members are primarily concerned with land use planning.  They must consider not only those factors related to an individual parcel of land, but also how the use of the land affects the surrounding area and the community as a whole.

Interested in serving? Please visit the Board and Commissions page for more information.

Land Use Hearings

The Planning Commission meets at 1:30 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of each month.  The meetings are located in the Hearing Room, Weld County Administration Building at 1150 O Street in Greeley.  The Weld County Planning Commission hearings will be Live-Streamed.  All cases scheduled before the Planning Commission are subject to continuance, due to lack of quorum or otherwise.  Contact the Department of Planning Services at (970) 400-6100 or email for hearing continuance information.  The application may be updated at any time at the request of the applicant, or in response to public input, referral responses, or staff recommendations.  During the public hearing process the Planning Commissioners reserve the right to amend the findings, conditions of approval, and/or development standards in the proposed resolution.


Below is the Agenda for current planning cases that are to be heard by the Weld County Planning Commission.  Subsequently, the Board of County Commissioners will hear the case approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the Planning Commission Hearing.  To view the case information, please visit the E-Permit Center.

PC Agenda - December 3, 2024(PDF, 88KB)


To view a written summary of the Planning Commission Minutes for individual cases, please search in the E-Permit Center under the Planning Tab and enter the Record Number.  Then under the Record Info Tab, click on Attachments.

Digital copies of recorded audio proceedings may be obtained by completing a Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) Request.

Board Members

Weld County Planning Commission

Butch White
District 1

Michael Palizzi
District 2

Barney Hammond
District 3

District 4

Michael Wailes
District 5

Pamela Edens
District 6

Virginia Guderjahn
At Large

Michael Biwer
At Large

Cindy Beemer
At Large

To view a map of the districts, please see the following map(PDF, 1MB) .

Upon request the county will make reasonable accommodations for alternative access to the listed documents.  Please submit your request via Weld Request for Accommodation form, email, or by calling Human Resources at (970) 400-4234.

View list of Upcoming Land Use Cases scheduled before the Planning Commission