Weld County Health Department Covid-19 informational website
OEM Community Involvement photos:
EF2 Tornado (Platteville area) 060721
Tornado touching down in Weld County
2013 Historical Floods
A destroyed Weld County Road during the 2013 Historical Floods.
NCMC Rescue Helicopter
Northern Colorado Medical Center helicopter landing to participated in the UNC health and safety day.
Larimer-Weld County Mock Disaster Event
Makeup artist applies special effects makeup to MOCK Disaster event volunteer.
HazMat Train Derailment
HazMat Train Derailed
Weld-Larimer Family Health and Safety Expo
Family walking towards an emergency vehicle.
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is under the direction of the Weld County Commissioners with Roy Rudisill as director. OEM is supported by three full-time personnel. OEM plans for response to emergencies and disasters, and coordinates the activities of the county during actual events. Each level of government is responsible to handle their own emergency until the emergency exceeds its capabilities or resources. The county emergency plan is ready to activate at a moment’s notice from any incorporated municipality in the county.
The county emergency plan is also ready for activation in the event the emergency directly effects those living in the county. While assistance may be available it is the expectation of each and every citizen to be able to take care of themselves for the first 72 hours. State law does not allow for public assistance to provide a monetary subsidiary directly to citizens.
The office of emergency management frequently provides talks and classes on how to prepare oneself for an emergency. Roy Rudisill may be contacted if you are interested in having them speak to your group.
THE MISSION of the Weld County Office of Emergency Management is to support Weld County and its citizens in Preparedness, Prevention, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery using an All-Hazards approach, and to develop and sustain broad and sincere relationships among individuals and organization to encourage trust, advocate a team atmosphere, build consensus, and facilitate communication
Check out our NEW Weld County Preparedness Guides (downloadable):
Consulte nuestras nueva Guías de preparación para emergencias del condado de Weld (descargables):
(PDF, 5MB)(PDF, 5MB)
Quick Resource Links
Please, fill out the damage assessment report to help us identify those that have been affected.
Citizen Damage Assessment Report Form.