Case Management Agency

Child with Down Syndrome holding up hands covered in multicolored paint Smiling Young Woman Using a Wheelchair Older man helping another man using a wheelchair, make a sandwich


In 2014, a Federal Rule passed called the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Settings Rule, which said that an agency receiving Medicaid funding and providing both Case Management Services and Direct Services can no longer provide both services to the same person. The potential conflict is because Case Management authorizes services, there is the potential for Case Managers to only authorize or refer people to their own direct service programs. For Colorado to continue receiving Medicaid funding and to come into compliance with the Federal Rule, Colorado passed House Bill (HB) 21-1187. This bill requires that all Case Management Agencies (CMA) in the state be conflict free, meaning that they cannot provide case management services to individuals who are also receiving services from the agency that employs them. Additionally, the CMA must be willing to provide Case Management services for all Medicaid waiver programs.

In response to the federal requirement for a conflict-free case management, HCPF has implemented case management redesign to increase quality, accountability, simplicity, and stability across Colorado’s long term care program.  As a result, HCPF issued a competitive solicitation to select one qualified CMA to provide case management services for all long-term care programs for each of the twenty defined service areas across Colorado. Members enrolled in a Colorado Medicaid or State General Fund Long-Term Care program are assigned to a CMA in a defined service area based on where the member resides.

The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) has been designated as the Case Management Agency (CMA) for Weld County. While some of these functions have historically resided within the AAA, the CMA designation will require AAA to expand to determine eligibility and provide case management for all long-term care programs for the aging population as well as youth and adults living with disabilities. The AAA leadership team has been working through several processes in preparation for the transition officially occurring March 1, 2024. More information is available Healthcare Policy and Finance.

State of Colorado Intergovernmental Agreement(PDF, 569KB)

Critical Incident Report Form

Long-Term Services and Supports

Individuals seeking or receiving long-term services and supports often qualify for multiple programs. Case Management for individuals with disabilities will create a simplified system where there is one place to go, creating consistency in the quality, accountability, and stability of the case management services people receive across Weld County Department of Human Services.

Options for Long-Term Care

If you are having a difficult time living in your home due to your age or disability, Options for Long-Term Care may be able to assist.

Medicaid Programs and Waivers Available Through OLTC

Home and Community Based Services
  • Brain Injury (HCBS-BI) Age 16+
  • Children with Life Limiting Illness (HCBS-CLLI) Ages 0-18
  • Community Mental Health Supports (HCBS-CMHS) Age 18+
  • Elderly Blind and Disabled (HCBS-EBD) Age 18+
  • Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (HCBS-CIH) Age 18+
Other Programs
  • Home Care Allowance (HCA), serves children and adults on SSI to meet basic needs
  • Nursing Facility Placement
  • Private Case Management
  • Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
  • Long Term Home Health (LTHH)

What We Do

Options for Long-Term Care (OLTC) provides functional assessments and ongoing case management for low-income individuals of all ages who need Medicaid long-term care services in their homes or alternative care facilities, or for people in need of placement in a skilled nursing facility. In conjunction with the individual, the case manager creates a plan of care and assists to arrange services. The case manager provides follow-up monitoring and links individuals and families to community resources.

How to Apply

Weld County residents in need of long-term care services must first apply for Long Term Care (LTC) Medicaid through Weld County Department of Human Services, or online through Colorado PEAK at The OLTC goal is to provide long-term care services and supports in the least-restrictive setting requested by individuals and their families while utilizing Medicaid in the most cost effective manner possible.

Potential Services Available

  • Adult Day Services
  • Assisted Living
  • Consumer Directed Services
  • Electronic Monitoring Devices
  • Homemaking
  • Home Modifications
  • In Home Support Services (IHSS)
  • Medication Dispensers
  • Non-Medical Transportation
  • Personal Care
  • Respite

Who May Qualify

Individuals applying for long-term care services must qualify functionally and financially. Read the following panel to learn more about these qualifications.

Functional Qualifications

OLTC completes the functional assessment. A person may qualify functionally if the individual has difficulty completing activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, toileting or eating, has difficulty with walking, or requires supervision due to memory or behavioral concerns, and if the individual is at nursing home level of care.

Financial Qualifications

Weld County Department of Human Services processes and completes the financial eligibility for Long Term Care applicants. Each year the income limits and assets may change. For more specific information on qualifying financially, please call (970) 400-6018.

Single Entry Point (SEP)

Professional care managers provide functional assessments and coordinate services for low-income clients of all ages who are in need of long-term care assistance through publicly funded programs. Care managers determine plan of care, provide follow-up monitoring and link clients and family to community resources.

To contact the Weld County Case Management agency with questions or concerns, please call (970) 400-6950 or email

We Want to Hear From You

Have a positive story to share about your services and supports or praise for a team member?
Email: Weld County CMA
All new applications and referral documents can be sent to the CMA Intake:
Email: Weld CMA Intake
Have a complaint or concern you need to be addressed?
CMA Complaint Form
Formulario de Quejas
Need to See Yearly Audit Information?
Annual Report

Upon request, the county will make reasonable accommodations for alternative access to the listed documents. Please submit your request via Weld County Accommodation Request Formemail ADACoordinator@weld.govor by calling Human Resources at (970) 400-4234.