Report Abuse, Neglect, or Fraud

If you feel that someone is in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.

If you know of a child, adult, or elder facing abuse, or if you suspect welfare fraud, we’re here to help. Abuse and fraud affect everyone, and you can play a role in stopping it.

What You Can Report

  • Child Abuse: Children deserve a safe, caring environment. If you think a child is being hurt or neglected, please report it.
  • Adult & Elder Abuse: Adults and elders have a right to live without harm. If you believe an adult or elder is being mistreated, let us know.
  • Welfare Fraud: Welfare benefits are for people who truly need them. If you suspect someone is abusing these benefits, you can report it.

Confidential Reporting

Your report is private. We will handle it seriously and with care to protect everyone involved.

Your report can make a difference. Help us build a safer community for everyone. Learn more about what to watch for and how to report today.

Report Abuse or Neglect

Weld County Child Protection Hotline

1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437)
Complete the Weld County Child Protection Referral Form on-line
If the form does not translate to Spanish for you, a Spanish Speaking Hotline Specialist is available to you 24/7 at 1-844-264-5437 or in person from 8:00-4:30 Monday-Friday at 822 7th Street, Suite 150 Greeley, CO 80631

Weld County Adult Protection Hotline

(970) 400-6700
Weld County Adult Protection Referral Form