Workforce Development Board

The Weld County Workforce Development Board is responsible for identifying regional workforce development needs and creating comprehensive strategies designed to meet those needs while considering the region's economic development priorities. The Board focuses on providing quality, customer-driven employment and training services to the business community, job seekers and other stakeholders to support the economic vitality of Weld County.

  • Mission: To keep the workforce system responsive to employers, employees, and job seekers.
  • Employment Services of Weld County operates an innovative, adaptive, and customer-driven workforce system program that:
  • Provides services to our customers based upon individual needs and choices.
  • Provides services that are competitive and valuable.
  • Focuses on outcomes that are measurable and results oriented.
  • Responds to the changing labor market conditions, customer profiles, and program regulations.
  • Delivers services that are fiscally responsible.
  • Workforce Center Partner Agencies

Meeting Schedule

2024 Meeting Schedule

Virtual information varies by meeting.
Meetings may be held off site.

General Board

11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

  • January 9th
  • March 12th
  • May 14th
  • July 9th
  • September 10th
  • November 12th

Executive Committee

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

  • February 27th
  • April 30th
  • June 25th
  • August 27th
  • October 29th
  • December 17th

Weld/Larimer Regional Meeting

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • August 14th

Awareness Committee

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • February 13th
  • April 9th
  • June 11th
  • August 13th
  • October 8th
  • December 10th

Youth Committee

11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

  • February 27th
  • April 30th
  • September 17th (South County)
  • November 19th

Special Events

  • Weld/Larimer Regional Meeting - February 14th; 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
  • Workforce Development Month Proclamation - September 4th; 9:00 a.m.
  • National Apprenticeship Week Proclamation - November 6th; 9:00 a.m.

Hosted by:

Employment Services of Weld County
315 N 11th Avenue, Building B
Greeley, CO 80631

For schedule questions and virtual meeting information, please contact:

Ruth DeBoer, Workforce Coordinator
(970) 400-6752


Article 1- Name

The name of this Weld County Government Advisory Board shall be the "Weld County Workforce Development Board."

Article II - Purpose

The Weld County Workforce Development Board, hereinafter referred to as WCWDB, is a workforce development board of community and business representatives who have expertise in developing and implementing system and program strategic planning. The mission is to keep the workforce system responsive to employers, employees and job seekers. The WCWDB envisions a workforce development system which is: understandable to its customers and easy to use; administered locally; focused on outcomes and performance; supportive to individuals' growth to become productive employees and to develop skills to progress their level of performance; and one that is flexible and pro-active in changing resources to meet customer need. The WCWDB is focused on planning to achieve long-range goals through the overall direction of workforce development in Weld County; resolving issues, problems, or conflicts which obstruct progress toward a quality workforce; resource mobilization (i.e. people, financial and communication) to achieve short- and long-range initiatives; and celebrating success and progress.

Article Ill - Membership, Appointments, Vacancy

Section 1 - Number: The WCWDB may consist of up to twenty-seven (27) voting members as determined by the Board of Commissioners of Weld County. The Board will be comprised of Representatives of Education, Training, Governmental, Economic and Community Development
Entities; Representatives of Workforce and at least 51% Weld County Business representatives to meet the membership requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA).

Section 2 - Appointment and Membership Requirements: The membership of the WCWDB shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Weld County (BOCC), with the main goal being that a majority of the quorum required to conduct business must consist of
business representatives, subject to the following requirements:

  1. Representatives of the business sector shall constitute a majority of at least 51% of the membership of the WCWDB, reflecting industry and business, including emerging sectors, and be local business organizations and business trade associations. Two (2) or more members will represent small business.
  2. Representatives of workforce will represent no less than 20% of the WCWDB. The WCWDB will include:
    1. Two (2) or more labor organization representatives, one of whom has a registered apprenticeship program. The WCWDB may include the following categories as part of the 20% workforce representation: one (1) or more community-based organizations with experience serving those with barriers to employment including veterans and those individuals with disabilities
    2. one (1) or more organizations with experience serving youth
  3. Public sector membership representation shall include:
    1. WIOA Title II
    2. Post-Secondary Education
    3. Economic Development
    4. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    5. Wagner Peyser Act, Trade Act of 1974, and Veteran Program
      Public sector membership representation may include:
      1. Public assistance*
      2. Philanthropic organizations serving Weld County
      3. Community-based organizations serving Weld County
      4. Other individuals as determined by the Board of County Commissioners
        *Public assistance may be a Weld County Commissioner representing Colorado Works Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Employment First-Food Assistance Work Program, Community Service Block Grant, housing and transportation.
  4. Membership shall be as geographically representative of Weld County, as possible.
  5. All appointments to memberships shall comply with the requirements stated in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. Nominations for WCWDB membership must be reviewed by the WCWDB or supporting staff with recommendations for appointment forwarded to the Board of Commissioners of Weld County who will formally interview and appoint members to the WCWDB.
  6. Terms of memberships for Representatives of Business shall be three (3) years. No person shall serve more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. Term limitations will be staggered to ensure only a portion of memberships expire in a given year. Workforce Development Board members interested in extending appointment beyond two consecutive terms must request approval from the Weld County Board of County Commissioners.
  7. Terms of memberships for Representatives of Workforce and Public Sectors shall be (3) years without consecutive term limits*. Term expirations will be staggered to ensure only a portion of memberships expire in a given year.
    1. Appointed members from the public sector are unlikely to change unless the member changes their role or funding is no longer provided to that entity. Community-based and philanthropic organizations will be encouraged to cycle off the board after identifying a potential organization with experience and expertise in addressing the education or training needs of individuals with barriers to employment.
  8. Members cycling off are encouraged to participate in committees so the board can retain their expertise.

Section 3 - Attendance Requirements; Vacancy; Proxies:

  1. All WCWDB members are required to attend WCWDB meetings regularly. Any WCWDB member who misses two (2) consecutive WCWDB meetings or a total of four (4) WCWDB meetings during a one (1) year calendar period, is subject to dismissal from membership by the Board of County Commissioners. An exception may be made if there is a personal emergency or extenuating circumstance related to employment.
  2. Board members shall serve as liaisons between the community and the local workforce center, exhibiting community engagement through active participation in events or initiatives beyond the workforce system. It is the intent of the WCWDB to have a minimum of 80% of members attend one (1) or more talent development and (1) or more community events during a program year.
  3. In the event that a member does not meet attendance requirements, Employment Services of Weld County (ESWC) will notify the member of dismissal. ESWC will work with the BOCC on behalf of the WCWDB to fill the vacancy.
  4. A High-Performing Board identifies 80% of board members meet the attendance requirements within these bylaws, and 50% meet the requirement without the use of proxies.

Section 4 - Conflict of Interest: No member of the WCWDB may cast a vote on any matter which would involve a conflict of interest or have the appearance of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest could be inferred if a member was to vote or participate in any decision by the WCWDB regarding a provision of services provided by such member, or any organization or business which that member directly represents, or on any matter which would provide direct financial benefit to that member or a business that member directly represents. "Conflict of interest" shall be defined as stated in the Colorado Code of Ethics, CRS §§24-18-101, ET. SEQ or Section 16-9 of the Weld County Home Rule Charter. Additionally, "Business conflict of interest" is defined as any ownership of the business, receiving any gross income during the previous or current year from the business, ownership in real property relating to the business valued at $10,000 or more. "Organization conflict of interest" is defined as being an organization's: employee; member of the board of directors (or other governing body); a creditor in excess of $10,000; or an equity owner.

Article IV - Board Functions and Responsibilities

It shall be the responsibility of the WCWDB to provide program oversight and policy guidance to all federal and state-funded workforce development programs under its jurisdiction established by law or under the discretion of the Board of Commissioners of Weld County, as
well as to plan, oversee and coordinate the implementation of programs and services of Employment Services of Weld County. ESWC is considered to be a "Workforce Center" due to the integration of several federal and state-funded programs under a single delivery system.
More specifically, the responsibilities of the WCWDB shall include:

  • Develop Local and Regional Plan - In partnership with the Weld County Commissioners, develop a comprehensive four (4) year local and regional plan to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
  • Conduct workforce research and regional labor market analysis to identify the economic conditions, the knowledge and skills needed for employment in the region, and an analysis of the available workforce to assist in the development of the regional/local area plan.
  • Convene, broker, and leverage with local workforce development system partners and stakeholders to assist in developing the local plan and in identifying non-federal expertise and resources to leverage support for workforce development activities.
  • Lead efforts to engage with a diverse range of employers and entities in the region to promote business representation; to develop effective linkages with employers to support utilization of the workforce system; to ensure that workforce investment activities meet the needs of employers and support economic growth in the region; and to implement proven or promising strategies for meeting the employment and skill needs of workers and of employers (such as establishment of industry/sector partnerships).
  • In partnership with the Weld County Commissioners, provide oversight of programs to include ensuring appropriate use and management of program funds for activities and maximize performance outcomes, and develop Memorandum of Understanding (MOU's) with required one-stop partners.
  • In partnership with the Weld County Commissioners and the Governor, negotiate local performance accountability measures as described by WIOA.
  • Designate and/or Certify the one-stop operator(s) through utilization of the Weld County Procurement Process. The initial competitive process under WIOA was completed by July 1, 2017. The WDB will recertify the one-stop operator(s) every four (4) years as part of the four-year local and regional plan development process, barring any major changes.
  • Identify eligible providers of training services in the local area.
  • Conduct oversight for local youth workforce investment activities, including identifying eligible providers of youth program elements in the local area by awarding grants or contracts on a competitive basis utilizing the Weld County Procurement Process.
  • Develop a budget (with the grant recipient) for the activities in the local area, consistent with the local plan and duties of the local board.
  • Work with representatives of secondary and post-secondary education programs, in the local area to develop and implement career pathways within the area.
  • Lead efforts in the local area to identify, promote, and disseminate proven and promising strategies and initiatives to meet the needs of employers and workers with disabilities.
  • Develop strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce development system for employers, workers, and jobseekers.
  • Coordinate activities with education and training providers in the local area, including workforce, adult education and literacy, career and technical education, and Vocational Rehabilitation activities. Specifically, this includes reviewing applications to provide adult and literacy activities under Title II for the local area to determine whether applications are consistent with the local plan and implementing cooperative agreements and/or Memorandums of Understanding.
  • Annually assess the physical and programmatic accessibility of all of the one-stop centers in the local area in accordance with section 188 of WIOA for individuals with disabilities.

Article V- Officers and Meetings

Section 1 - Annual Election of Chair: The WCWDB shall elect from its members a Chair, who shall be representative of business and industry; however, may not elect a sole proprietor as the Chair. The Chair shall serve a one (1) year term.

Section 2 - Annual Election of Chair-Elect: The Chair-Elect shall be elected from the WCWDB Membership. The Chair-Elect shall preside and perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence and shall perform all duties that may be assigned by the Chair.

Section 3 - Meetings: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the WCWDB and may call special meetings when needed. Notice to the members of special meetings shall be provided at least 48 hours before the meeting. Special meetings may also be called by one-third (1/3) of the WCWDB membership. The time and place of the WCWDB meetings shall be open and accessible to the general public in accordance with the Colorado Open Meeting Law, CRS §§ 24-6-401 et seq. Further, the meetings shall be made available via phone conferencing and/or
Web-based meetings. The WCWDB shall make available to the public through electronic means and open meetings information regarding the:

  • WC Local Plan
  • WDB Membership
  • Selection and certification of one-stop operators
  • Awards of grants/contracts to eligible providers of youth workforce development activities
  • Minutes of formal meetings of the WCWDB.

Section 4 - Quorum: A meeting shall be deemed formed when more than half (1/2) of the constituted voting membership is present and the majority are representative of private business.

Section 5 - Voting/ Proxies: A majority vote of the members of quorum shall be considered a favorable vote upon all motions or resolutions considered by the WCWDB. All required Board members have voting privilege. Proxy voting is not allowed.

Section 6 - Executive Committee: An Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Chairs. Committee chairs shall be appointed from the private sector business members. The Chair can appoint any other members from the general membership to serve on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act on matters between regular WCWDB meetings, but only on those items which cannot wait for a full board meeting and those actions must be ratified at the subsequent general WCWDB meeting.

Section 7 - Committees, Task Forces, and Technical Advisory Teams: The WCWDB may appoint committees, any additional task forces, and technical advisory teams, as deemed necessary. The committees shall be:

  • Chaired by a member of the WCWDB;
  • May include other members of the WCWDB; and
  • May include additional community members and/or individuals who provide experience and expertise in affiliated subject area.

The WCWDB has two standing committees:

  • Awareness Committee
  • Youth Committee

Section 8 - Robert's Rules of Order: Robert's Rules of Orders as Revised shall govern the conduct of the WCWDB meetings.

Article VI - Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended subject to approval of the Board of Commissioners of Weld County at a regular or special meeting of the WCWDB, provided that any proposed amendment to the Bylaws has been reviewed by the WCWDB members at a previous meeting.
Amendment of the Bylaws shall require an affirmative vote of 50% plus one (1) of the presently constituted WCWDB voting membership.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed the Agreement as of the day, month, and year first above written.

Board Members

Workforce Development Board Members

The Weld County Workforce Development Board is made up of three sub-committees which are the Awareness Committee, Partner Committee and Youth Committee.  Together, these three committees complete a General Membership which overlooks the goals, strategies and completion of tasks set forth by the Workforce Development Board.

Appointed Members

Board Chair

Matthew Hortt Headshot
Matthew Hortt, High Plains Library District

Chair Elect

Victoria Cordova Headshot

Victoria Cordova, Banner Health

Alex Kloehn headshot Alex Kloehn, Lutheran Family Services, Rocky Mountains

Amanda Ericson Headshot Amanda Ericson, HRx Services

Bill Johnson Headshot Bill Johnson, Yoder Family of Companies

Cecil Courtney Headshot Cecil Courtney, Denver Pipefitters Local Union 208

David Thompson Headshot David Thompson, FMS Bank

No Image available for Alex LoehnDavid Zumbrun, Chicken Salad Chick 

No Image available for Justin BookerJustin Booker, City of Greeley, Fire Department and IAFF

No Image available for Justin BookerKarla Torczon, Elevations Credit Union


Kelly Folks Headshot Kelly Folks, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

Lauren-Price.jpg Lauren Price, Aurora Mental Health and Recovery

Lisa Taylor Headshot Lisa Taylor, The Weld Trust

Lisa Vaughn headshot Lisa Vaughn, Golden Aluminum 

Meghan Greene Headshot Meghan Greene - Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Michael Wailes Headshot Michael Wailes, Board of Education and Weld RE-52

Nick Spezza Headshot Nick Spezza, Aims Community College

Phillip MacHendrie headshot Phillip MacHendrie, City of Greeley   

Rich Werner Headshot Rich Werner, Upstate Colorado

Robert Rigg headshot Robert Rigg, Elder Construction, Inc.

Scott James Headshot Scott James, Weld County Board of County Commissioners

Shawn Croissant Headshot Shawn Croissant, Envision  

Zach Huston Headshot Zach Huston, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Employment Services Support Staff

Elizabeth Barber Headshot Elizabeth Barber, Workforce Director 

Andrew Chadwick Headshot Andrew Chadwick, Business Services Manager

Greg Cordova Headshot Greg Cordova, Youth Employment and Training Supervisor

Ruth DeBoer Headshot Ruth DeBoer, Workforce Coordinator and Workforce Board Liaison

For inquiries, contact Ruth DeBoer at or (970) 400-6752.

How is the Board Organized?

The Weld County Workforce Development Board is made up of three sub-committees which are the Awareness Committee, Partner Committee and Youth Committee. Together, these three committees complete a General Membership which overlooks the goals, strategies and completion of tasks set forth by the Workforce Development Board. 

Workforce Center Partner Agencies

Reports and Useful Documents

Annual Reports

Program Year 2022 Economic Impact Report (accessible)(PDF, 106KB)
Program Year 2022 Economic Impact Report (printable)(PDF, 207MB)

Quarterly Reports

Current reports coming soon

Useful Documents

2024-2027 Strategic Plan(PDF, 837KB) 

Chief Elected Official Agreement(PDF, 246KB)

Upon request, the county will make reasonable accommodations for alternative access to the listed documents. Please submit your request via Weld County Accommodation Request Form, email, or by calling Human Resources at (970) 400-4234.

Interested in serving? Please visit the Boards and Commission page for more information.