eTownhall to Review Community Health Survey Findings
Published on April 13, 2023
Weld County, Colorado — A key component of public health is collecting, analyzing, and sharing data about the health of a community. The Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment (WCDPHE) conducts a scientific random survey of Weld County residents every three years. Last year, WCDPHE mailed letters to nearly 17,000 residents asking them to complete the survey. The community health survey covered a variety of health topics including mental health, health care access and insurance, health conditions and behaviors, preventive health screenings, environmental issues, community concerns and needs, and health-related social and demographic factors of residents.
“The Weld County survey is a source of credible data. In our most recent survey, we added questions on telemedicine, air quality, housing affordability, COVID-19, and more," said Cindy Kronauge, MPH, PhD, Senior Health Data Specialist at the health department. "Comprehensive and accurate data are vital to improve the public’s health and address the health disparities our communities face," said Kronauge.
Health officials say the survey data helps equip decision makers with the information they need to prioritize and allocate limited resources. The data is also used in a variety of dashboards and reports, with multiple years of data making it easy to see trends over time.
Over 1,800 residents completed the 60-question survey either online or on paper. Two open-ended questions captured resident’s comments about their most pressing health concerns as well as how COVID-19 impacted their lives. The health department will be sharing the Weld County results at a community health survey review presentation. The community health survey review is free and open to the public and will review the survey's key findings, announce the launch of a new data dashboard, and provide an opportunity for questions.
Register here to attend:; participation can be either in person at the Weld County Administration Building in the Events Room, 1150 O Street, Greeley, CO, 80631; or via the eTownhall link, which will be sent upon registration. The event will run from 9-10 a.m. on Friday April 21, 2023.