Zoning Permits and Bedroom Additions

If you are filing for a zoning permit or making alterations to your structure, your septic system may need to be evaluated to determine compliance with current regulations. The following guidelines should help you determine if your situation applies. When in doubt, call the Health Department at (970) 400-6415 for clarification.

Residential Structures

An On-site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) evaluation and inspection is required for the following scenarios:

  • If a building permit has been applied for with an increase in the number of bedrooms in the home and the home is served by an OWTS. This also includes application for medical hardship cases.
  • Certain land use cases (i.e. Subdivision Exemptions or Use by Special Review), which need verification of an unpermitted system.
  • If any building permit has been applied for and the home is served by an OWTS that has never been permitted.

Commercial Structures

An OWTS evaluation and inspection is required for commercial facilities served by an OWTS in which a building permit has been applied that will result in increased hydraulic flows to the system, changes in usage as a result of the land use planning process, or other similar circumstances. A registered professional engineer must perform the evaluation and inspection.

There may be situations, such as unpermitted systems, in which the Health Department may require soils evaluation or portions of the septic system be exposed for proper evaluation to determine compliance with the current regulations.


  • Check with the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment at (970) 304-6415 to determine if a permit is on file and if an inspection is required.
  • If no permit is on file, complete the Statement of Existing form and Map Layout of Septic System.
  • Complete the On-site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Evaluation Form (included in the Statement of Existing Application Packet).
  • Submit a pumping receipt from some time within the last two years showing the gallons pumped from the septic tank. The septic tank must be pumped by a septic tank cleaner licensed by the Health Department. The septic cleaner also will inspect the tank and complete an inspection checklist providing information on the tank capacity, tank construction, and tank condition.
  • Bring the appropriate completed forms and appropriate fee to the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment and schedule an inspection for the OWTS evaluation.