Loan Approval Inspections

Septic System

Loan Approval Inspections are evaluations primarily for the mortgage lender as a condition of the sale, but we also conduct these inspections at the owner's or buyer’s request. The Health Department does not require these inspections. The purpose of the Loan Approval Inspection is to determine if the system is adequately sized and if it is functioning properly.


  • Check with the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment to determine if a permit is on file  by calling (970) 400-6415.
  • If there is no permit on file or if it is an old permit that needs to be updated (no diagram of the system with the original permit), a Statement of Existing form must be filled out and notarized with the size, type, and location of the septic system. This is very important because this, the pumping receipt, and field observations are what loan results are based on.
  • Have a pumping receipt within the last two or four years (new loan or refinance, respectively) showing the gallons pumped from the septic tank. The septic tank must be pumped by a septic tank cleaner licensed by the Department. The septic cleaners will also inspect the tank and complete an inspection checklist providing information on the tank capacity, tank construction and condition.
  • There may be situations, such as unpermitted systems or an increase in the number of bedrooms, in which we may require a soil evaluation or portions of the septic system be exposed for proper evaluation to determine compliance with the current regulations.
  • A water sample may be collected depending on if the home is on a well or domestic water. There is an additional charge for this. After the documents are received, an inspection is scheduled. There again, this depends on whether a water sample must be collected (24-hour incubation time). No loans with waters are scheduled for Fridays or around holidays.

Applications and Forms