

The final budget for Weld County is prepared in compliance with state statute, the Weld County Home Rule Charter, generally accepted budgeting principles, funding agency requirements, and the budget priorities and directions of the Board of Weld County Commissioners. The budget was structured, within available funds, to insure that:

  • Basic services are funded at adequate levels.
  • Revenue has been estimated at realistic levels.
  • Reserves that afford protection for the future are funded.
  • Productivity improvement programs are continued.
  • Employee compensation levels are based upon realistic employment market considerations and within the county’s ability to pay.
  • TABOR Amendment limits are adhered to in the budget.
  • Legislative and regulatory changes are accommodated.
  • GIS, e-government, and other technologies are employed in a cost effective manner in the county.
  • Population growth and development are planned and accommodated.
  • Resources to improve roads impacted by the new oil and gas development have been funded.
  • Weld County must continue the initiatives required to foster area economic development and to improve the quality of life.
  • Resources were all allocated by focusing on programs, priorities, goals, and performance measures consistent with the Strategic Plan.
  • A digital copy of the current or previous county Final Budget is available in 'Annual Budgets' below, or a physical copy may be obtained by contacting Jennifer Oftelie, Budget Manager, at (970) 400-4202 or joftelie@weld.gov.
  • Upon request the county will make reasonable accommodations for alternative access to the listed documents. Please submit your request via Weld Request for Accommodation Form, email ADACoordinator@weld.gov or by calling Human Resources at (970) 400-4234.