Weld County Board of Equalization

2025 Weld County Commissioners

The Weld County Board of Commissioners shall constitute a County Board of Equalization (CBOE) for the adjustment and equalization of assessments among the several taxpayers of Weld County, Colorado, and to review the assessment roll of all taxable property located in Weld County, as prepared by the Weld County Assessor, and to hear appeals from the determination of said assessments fixed and made by the County Assessor of Weld County, Colorado, pursuant to C.R.S. §39-8-101.

After appealing property values with the Assessor's Office, if property owners are not satisfied by the value listed in the Notice of Determination (mailed by the Assessor's Office), an appeal may then be submitted to the Weld County Board of Equalization. Please see "Appeal Deadlines" to the right.

Please note: for the 2024 appeal period, your value is the Assessor's Office estimate of the value of the property as of June 30, 2022. This date is set by law. The CBOE can only consider sales and other market information from 2021 and the first six months of 2022 for values set for 2024. If you purchased your property, or if you had an appraisal done after June 30, 2022, the CBOE cannot consider it in review of values for 2024. The CBOE may consider appeals for the valuation of the property only, not the amount of taxes you pay. Values are based on condition and level of completion as of the January 1, 2024, Assessment Date. Please contact the Assessor's Office for information regarding the 2025 appeal period.

Appeals to the County Board of Equalization may be submitted in several ways:

1. Online: Did you know how easy it is to appeal online? Visit the CBOE Property Appeal Portal to submit an online appeal.

2. Mail: Appeals may be mailed to the attention of the County Board of Equalization, 1400 North 17th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631. Please include your signed and dated Notice of Determination, or a signed and dated letter with your name, property address or location, account number or parcel number, phone number and email address, and the reason you are appealing your value.

3. Deliver In-Person: Appeals may be hand-delivered to the County Board of Equalization by visiting 1400 North 17th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631.

4. Fax: Appeals may be faxed to the attention of the County Board of Equalization at (970) 304-6433. Please include your signed and dated Notice of Determination, or a signed and dated letter with your name, property address or location, account number or parcel number, phone number and email address, and the reason you are appealing your value.

5. Email: Appeals may be emailed to the County Board of Equalization at weld-cboe@weld.gov. Please include your signed and dated Notice of Determination, or a signed and dated letter with your name, property address or location, account number or parcel number, phone number and email address, and the reason you are appealing your value.


  • By filing an appeal online or by email, you are authorizing the Weld County Board of Equalization to provide notification of the scheduled hearing date and time to the email address that is provided.
  • The Weld County Board of Equalization cannot accept telephone appeals. All appeals must be in writing. All appeals will receive the same diligent review, regardless of the method of submission. Late appeals cannot be considered.

The owner is the only person recognized by law to have "standing" to file a protest. Protests filed by individuals other than the owner or authorized agent may be denied for lack of standing. A letter of agency (written letter of authorization) is required from persons who are not the owner of record, but are filing a protest on behalf of the property owner. If you need a sample letter of authorization, please contact the Weld County Board of Equalization.

Senior Property Tax Exemptions

Weld County Assessor's Senior Property Tax Exemption Website

Senior Property Tax Exemption Deadline:

Received or Postmarked by: 2025 Appeal Dates Pending

For information about submitting a Senior Property Tax Exemption Appeal to the County Board of Equalization, please contact us at (970) 400-3650 or weld-cboe@weld.gov.

CBOE Resolutions

To view the following Resolutions, once available, please contact the Weld County Board of Equalization:

  • Resolution Authorizing the Board of County Commissioners to Convene as a Board of Equalization
  • Resolution Concerning 2025 Board of Equalization Decisions Concerning Petitioner Appeals
  • Hearing Certificate for 2025 Board of Equalization Appeals
  • Resolution Adjourning the Board of Equalization