Recording a Document


The Recording Department will record any document presented for recording by a customer, but recording a document does not confer legality or authenticity of the document. We are unable to provide legal advice as to what type of document is needed, or how to complete documents. 

Recorded Documents are Public Records
Please do not put social security numbers or any other personal information on documents that you submit for recording.

envelope with money Fees Are Correct
Recording fees are statutorily established. Check Recording Department Fees for more information. Documents received with insufficient fees will be returned.

magnifying glass Quality of Document is Good and Text is Readable
Please remember that bad originals produce poor public records. Documents that are illegible to begin with will be marked with a Clerk's note and recorded as received.

stacked coins State Documentary Fees are Included
Colorado law (CRS 39-13-102) requires any document that transfers title with consideration exceeding $500.00 will be assessed a state documentary fee of 1 cent per $100.00.

address on house Deeds Contain a Valid Grantee Address
Colorado law (CRS 38-35-109(2)) requires that all deeds include a notation of the legal (mailing) address of the grantee. This address is used to determine where tax statements should be mailed after a property is sold. Submitters should verify the accuracy and completeness of such addresses before recording a deed. 

tape measure Sufficient Margins are Provided
Colorado law (CRS 30-10-406(3)(a)) requires that all documents have a top and bottom margin of at least one inch and a left and right margin of at least ½ inch. The recorder may refuse to file any document that does not meet these standards.

checkbook Check your Checks
Make checks payable to "Weld County Clerk and Recorder" or "WCCR". Make sure checks are signed.

stapling paper Instructions for Order of Recording are Included
Please send documents together in the order you would like them recorded.

Envelope Provide a Return Address
A complete and accurate return address (to whom the original document should be returned after recording) should be clearly marked on the each document. No return envelope is required but is appreciated. 

gps tracker on a map Submit Documents to the Correct County
Sometimes documents intended for recording in one county are sent to another county by mistake. Please be aware that we do not reject these documents nor will we refund any recording fees. Please make sure you are recording your document in the appropriate county.


Recording a Document
Legal or Legal Size Documents

First page of each document $13.00

Each additional page $5.00

Each additional page larger than legal size $10.00

Documentary Fees (CRS 39-13-102)

A state documentary fee is assessed only on documents conveying real property.

$.01 per $100.00 if the sale price is greater than $500.00.


Maps/Plats must be on mylar (shall be at least 18 inches wide by 24 inches long and no more than 24 inches wide by 36 inches long)


First page of each document $13.00

Each additional page $10.00

Real Estate UCC Financing Statement (Paper Recording)

1-2 pages $13.00

3 or more pages $18.00

Real Estate UCC Financing Statement (Electronic Recording)


Federal Tax Liens and Federal Tax Releases

First page of each document $8.00

Each additional page $5.00

Military Discharge

No Charge


Only the Greeley office accepts documents for recording. Documents received after 4:30 p.m. will go on the next day's business.  Documents are accepted in person, by mail or through one of the approved eRecording companies.

In Person or FedEx/UPS:

Clerk & Recorder
Recording Department
1250 H Street
Greeley CO 80631

By Mail:

Clerk & Recorder
Recording Department
PO Box 459
Greeley CO 80632


Weld County currently accepts eRecordings from three submitting vendors. To compare prices and to begin eRecording with our office, contact:

Simplifile - 800-460-5657

eRecording Partners - 888-325-3365

CSC - 1-866-652-0111