Manufactured Homes

For the following forms, the term “manufactured home” refers to mobile homes, trailer houses, and manufactured homes.

Effective July 1, 2008, due to the passage of HB08-1260, documents required on a manufactured home transaction will be recorded with the Clerk & Recorder division and will become public record.  Additional forms and fees will be applicable.  The County Clerk shall forward information to the County Assessor and the Colorado Department of Revenue Title Department (CRS 38-29-108).

To begin the process, please contact the Clerk & Recorder Motor Vehicle Division at 970-304-6520.

In the situation that you need an Affidavit of Real Property Form, (verification that the manufactured home was affixed to the land prior to July 1, 2008) you will need to start with the Assessor’s Office.

Forms such as the affidavit of real property and ownership transfer declaration as well as forms regarding the  removal, destruction or affixing of a manufactured home to land are located on the State of Colorado Division of Property Taxation website.

Manufactured Homes Forms

NOTE:  In some cases, it may be necessary to bring the completed form to the Weld County Treasurer’s Office to complete the process.