Disability Placard

Online Services:
Apply for a first-time placard
Manage my placards

Disability Plates Qualifying Criteria

Persons With Disabilities must meet one of the criteria below and have it verified in writing by a medical professional*:

  1. Mobility: Persons who cannot walk two-hundred feet without stopping to rest.
  2. Assisted Mobility: Persons who cannot walk without the use of, or assistance from, a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or other assistive device.
  3. Respiratory: Persons who are restricted by lung disease to such an extent that the person’s forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second when measured by spirometry is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg on room air or at rest.
  4. Oxygen: Persons who use portable oxygen.
  5. Cardiac: Persons who have a cardiac condition to the extent that the person’s functional limitations are classified in severity as class III or IV according to the standards of the American Heart Association.
  6. Other: Persons who are severely limited in their ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition.

Impairments are defined as follows

Permanent - A condition that is not expected to change within a person's lifetime, given the current state of medical or adaptive technology.

Extended - A condition that is not expected to change within thirty months after the issuance of an identifying figure, given the current state of medical or adaptive technology.

Temporary - A condition that is expected to last less than thirty months after the issuance of an identifying plate or
placard, given the current state of medical or adaptive technology.

Short Term - A condition that is not expected to last more than 90 days after the issuance of a placard.

Once approved you may be issued the following combinations: (1) set of plates, (2) a set of plates and a placard or (3) 2 placards.


A DR2219 Persons with Disabilities Parking Privileges Application  must be completely filled out in front of a medical professional. The completed application is required to obtain the placards and/or plates. Completed applications may be presented in person at one of our locations or mailed to:

Weld County Clerk and Recorder
Motor Vehicle Department
PO BOX 459
Greeley CO 80632