Extension Advisory Council

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The Weld County Extension Advisory Council serves as a review body to counsel, advise and deliberate with the Extension staff regarding the Extension program efforts.

They provide input into evaluation, planning and implementing Extension programs by:

  • Providing an annual review of on-going Extension Programs to determine if priority exists for programs to be (A) continued as is, (B) continued with increased/decreased emphasis or (C) to be phased out.
  • Providing input for potential new programs based on problems, needs or services required as identified by organizations, commodity groups, and etc.

The Council serves as an informal link in the public relations process of communicating Extension role to the people of the County by;

  • Presenting information about on-going Extension programs to the public.
  • Obtaining feedback from the public to assist in determining programs.

They assist in obtaining the resources necessary to carry out program requests in an effective manner and provide an environment that will serve to stimulate professionalism of the Extension Agent.

The Extension Advisory Council meets six times a year every other month and will be announced, and open to all who are interested in Extension activities. These are the non-voting members.  The Annual Meeting is held in February when they decide on officers for the upcoming year which are Chairman and Chairman Elect. One or the other should be present at each meeting.

This meeting is open to any individual interested in the County Extension program and each meeting is attended by the County Extension Director.

The Weld County Extension Council consists of thirteen members consisting of two members each from 4-H and Youth Development, Livestock and Crop Science, one each from the following areas: Master Gardener/Horticulture, Family Services/Consumer Science, Business and Media and two members At Large. All members are recommended by Extension Agents in cooperation with respective advisory and/or commodity groups and requested by the county Extension Director and approval of the Board of Commissioners of Weld County. All members make application to the County Board of Commissioners. In addition, the Weld County Commissioner appointed as liaison to the Council is a member of the Council.


Article 1 - Name

The name of the organization shall be: Weld County Extension Advisory Council.

Article II - Purposes and Objectives

  • Section 1 – Serve as a review body to counsel, advise and deliberate with the Extension staff regarding the Extension program efforts.
  • Section 2 – Provide input into evaluation, planning and implementing Extension programs.
    • Provide an annual review of on-going Extension Programs to determine if priority exists for programs to be (a) continued as is, (b) continued with increased/decreased emphasis or (c) to be phased out.
    • Provide input for potential new programs based on problems, needs or services required as identified by organizations, commodity groups, and etc.
  • Section 3 – Serve as an informal link in the public relations process of communicating Extension role to the people of the County
    • Present information about on-going Extension programs to the public.
    • To obtain feedback from the public to assist in determining programs.
  • Section 4 – Assist in obtaining the resources necessary to carry out program requests in an effective manner.
  • Section 5 – Provide an environment that will serve to stimulate professionalism of the Extension Agent.

Article III - Meetings

  • Section 1 – The council will meet at least six (6) times per year.
  • Section 2 – Special meetings may be called by the officers.
  • Section 3 – The meetings will be announced and open to all who are interested in Extension activities. These will be non-voting members.
  • Section 4 – The annual meeting will be held in February at which the council shall meet with and report to all other Extension Advisory groups, councils, community groups and others as designated by the council. This meeting shall be open to any individual interested in the County Extension program.
  • Section 5 – Each meeting of the council will be attended by the County Extension Director.

Article IV - Membership

  • Section 1 – The membership of the council shall consist of thirteen (13) members representing areas of focus. The membership shall be made up of two (2) members each from: 4-H & Youth Development, Livestock and Crop Science. There shall be one (1) each from the following areas: Master Gardener/Horticulture, Family Services/Consumer Science, Business and Media. There shall be two (2) members At Large. All members shall be recommended by Extension Agents in cooperation with respective advisory and/or commodity groups and requested by the county Extension Director and approval of the Board of Commissioners of Weld County. All members shall make application to the County Board of Commissioners. In addition, the Weld County Commissioner appointed as liaison to the Council will be a member of the Council.
  • Section 2 – The council members shall serve for three-year terms. The initial membership will be divided into one, two and three year terms and thereafter, appointed for three-year terms. New terms will begin immediately after the annual meeting. No member will serve over two consecutive three-year terms.
  • Section 3 – The Weld County Extension staff will serve as ex-officio members.
  • Section 4 – Resource people may be invited to participate in any meeting at the request of the council, but will not have a vote.
  • Section 5 – In case a member resigns by written notice, move from the County, or any other reason, this member will be replaced within two months by appointment in accordance with Section 1, Article IV.
  • Section 6 – Each member of the council shall be entitled to one vote and must vote in person.
  • Section 7 – A simple majority of the appointed members must be present to constitute a quorum.
  • Section 8 – Membership is open to all, irrespective of race, color, sex, or national origin.

Article V - Officers

  • Section 1 – The offices of this council shall be Chairman and Chairman Elect.
  • Section 2 – The Chairman and Chairman Elect shall be elected each year at the annual meeting.
  • Section 3 – The Chairman or Chairman Elect shall preside at all meetings of the council.

Article VI - Amendments

  • Section 1 – The By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a vote of one-half (1/2) of the members present. To amend By-Laws, notice of the proposed amendment must be given to the members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
  • Section 2 – The amended By-Laws agreed to by the council must be approved by the Board of Commissioners of Weld County

Article VII - Conduct of Meetings

  • Section 1 – All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order

Adopted March, 1988 and amended November, 1988, March, 2007, August, 2010, and October, 2013.

Council Members

Kevin Ross- Weld County Commissioner - Greeley, CO
William Nelson - Livestock - Fort Collins, CO
Dr. Darin Lickfeldt - Crop Science (Co-Chair) - Windsor, CO
Lori Stevens - 4-H and Youth - Pierce, CO
Amy Cooksey - 4-H and Youth - Roggen, CO
Jill Matlock - Family and Consumer Science - Greeley, CO
Gary Schaneman - Business - Eaton, CO
Pat Kindvall - At-Large - Eaton, CO
Rick Bowen - At-Large - Greeley, CO
Erin Mathews - Energy - Greeley, CO
Carole Pitre - At-Large

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement