Who We Are The Extension office provides assistance and programs for citizens in multiple areas. Learn what programs are available.
Resources and CSU Newsletters CSU Extension has a wide variety of information and newsletters for several topics. Have questions or need help with something, check out all of the resources at CSU.
CSU Weld County Extension Events Find the upcoming events and meetings with CSU Weld County Extension.
Family and Consumer Sciences Serving current and future needs of Coloradans by providing the information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood and enhance well-being.
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Nutrition, food safety and food-buying education for limited resource Coloradans. Learn more about EFNEP at Colorado State University Extension EFNEP.
Weld County Goat Extravaganza The purpose of the Weld County Goat Extravaganza is to provide youth and adults with opportunities and knowledge that will help you with your goat enterprise.
Colorado Dairy Youth Extravaganza Our purpose is to provide youth with educational opportunities that will help you with your dairy project enterprise and, of course, lots of fun!
Colorado Women in Ag The Colorado Women in Ag Conference will provide an engaging and empowering two-day event filled with educational opportunities, information sharing and networking for women across the state.
Ask Extension Get expert answers and help from Extension staff and volunteers from across the United States of America
Extension Advisory Council The Weld County Extension Advisory Council serves as a review body to counsel, advise and deliberate with the Extension staff regarding the Extension program efforts.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) The HPAI (Avian Flu) is spreading. We are updating this page with current information and how to protect your flock.
Employment Opportunities When we have open positions, we post the job opportunities. Please check out this section often.
Directions to CSU Extension-Weld Our office is located on the west side of historic Island Grove Park in the Exhibition Building on the second floor.
Extension Elevated The CSU Weld County Extension Office is excited to share with you a new publication that feature's a few of our elevated moments throughout the year here in Weld County.
Healthy Brain and Body Series Thursday, April 24, 2025 | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 4 more dates Our health can be influenced by many factors, including our genes, family history, environment, and lifestyle. Join us for this five-part program, Thursdays, April 24th to May 22nd, where we’ll explore science-backed recommendation on how to care for both your brain and body! It is highly recommended that you attend the whole program, though it is not required. Registration required Tagged as: , Talks & workshops
Money Talks Wednesday, April 09, 2025 | 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM April is the National Financial Literacy Month. Join us on April 9th for tips on how to lower your bills! Tagged as: , Talks & workshops
Extension Elevated The CSU Weld County Extension Office is excited to share with you a new publication that feature's a few of our elevated moments throughout the year here in Weld County.
Community Facilities Loan & Grant Program The USDA Community Facilities program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings.