
Building and Inspection Fees(PDF, 168KB)

Drainage Impact Fees

This fee is charged on building permits for all buildings or additions. Drainage Impact Fee is charged $.21 per square foot of impervious area. The attached form will help you calculate the fee.

Drainage Impact Fee Calculation(XLSX, 39KB)

County Facilities Fee

This fee is charged on building permits for single family dwellings and commercial buildings. Please click on Building and Inspection Fees above for your reference.

Road Impact Fee

This fee is charged on building permits for single family dwellings and commercial buildings. Please see Building and Inspection Fees above for your reference.

House Bill 11-1113 requires a county or municipal government to publish information detailing any impact fees collected, including the annual interest rate on each account and the total amount disbursed during the most recent fiscal year, at least once annually on the local government’s official web site.  The provisions of this act shall apply to the 2010 and subsequent local government fiscal years.

Weld County collects impact fees for Roads, Drainage, and County Facilities.

2023 Collected Disbursed Annual Interest
Roads $846,036 0.00 $135,768
Drainage $527,100 0.00 $154,575
County Facilities $272,121 272,121 0.00

The average interest rate for 2023 was 3.996% 

2010 Impact Fee Study(PDF, 2MB)
Impact Fee Benefit Districts Map(PDF, 920KB)

Upon request the county will make reasonable accommodations for alternative access to the listed documents.  Please submit your request via Weld Request for Accommodation Form, email ADACoordinator@weld.gov, or by calling Human Resources at (970) 400-4234.

Building Plan Review Fee

This fee is charged on most permits at two levels. New dwellings and all commercial permits are charged at 65% of the assessed building fee. Manufactured home permits, residential additions and remodels less than 1000 square feet and detached utility buildings less than 3,000 square feet are charged a flat $50.00 plan review fee.

Electrical Fee

Electrical fees for new dwellings and extensive additions and remodeling are calculated by the square footage of the project. All other electrical fees are calculated by the total cost to the customer, including labor and materials. Please refer to the Building Permit & Inspection Fee Schedule above.

Building Valuation Fee

This fee is charged for all building permits. The fee for a residential permit is calculated by determination of a total valuation.