Building Compliance

Expiration of building permits

Safety is important to us!  Enforcement of Building codes is the primary way we can ensure buildings are safe.  As a result, staff follow-up on permits that we have issued but haven't received final inspections or approval.

Building Inspector Looking at Plans Once a permit is issued our staff want to help you get your project completed in accordance with all pertinent codes and requirements.  Each permit that is issued has a date of expiration.  This date is based on the valuation of the building permit.  (for reference please see Article VIII, Section 29-8-40 of the Weld County Code)

Prior to the expiration of this permit, you may request an extension per Section 29-8-50 of the Weld County Code. This extension request is to be in writing and clearly detail why an extension is needed. The permit may be extended at the discretion of the Building Official, one time for a period not to exceed 365 days. A processing fee of $52 will apply if your request is approved.

If the permit is not completed or extended by the date of expiration the permit will be expired and a new permit will need to be applied for and issued to complete any outstanding work. If no action is taken, the property will be in violation and may be subject to enforcement action as prescribed by Weld County Code, Chapter 29.

Violation procedures

Staff follow the below procedures if a complaint is received by the Department:

  1. The Code Compliance Officer will make record of the complaint. The Code Compliance Officer will obtain all of the following information: 
    • Property research of the parcel
    • Address of property owner
    • Phone Number of the property owner, if available 
    • Other information as deemed necessary
  2. The above information is vital if the complaint results in an abatement violation or if there is an absentee property owner.
  3. The complaint will be assigned to an inspector.  
  4. Following the site visit, the Building Official will determine if the complaint is valid and the exact violation.
  5. The Code Compliance Officer will then follow the procedure for violations. 

Violation status will be determined within 3 days of the site visit so as to ensure that complaints are handled in a timely manner.