There are several mechanisms that you may qualify for that may reduce your taxes. There are exemptions for seniors, disabled veterans, and certain charitable organizations. For summary information on rebates, exemptions and deferrals.
Senior Property Tax Exemption - For those who qualify, 50 percent of the first $200,000 of actual value of the property is exempted. The state will pay the exempted property tax.
Disabled Veteran and Gold Star Spouse Property Tax Exemption - For Disabled Veterans or Gold Star Spouses who qualify, 50 percent of the first $200,000 of actual value of the Disabled Veterans or Gold Star Spouses primary residence is exempted. The state will pay the exempted property tax. Owners of multiple residences may only designate one property as their primary residence.
Other Exemptions: School-Church-Charitable - Property which is owned and used solely and exclusively for religious purposes, for private schools, or for strictly charitable purposes is exempt, §§ 39-3-106 through 113 and 116, C.R.S. Owners of property which may qualify for exemption as owned and used for religious purposes, a private school, or strictly charitable purposes must file an application with the Property Tax Administrator.