Breastfeeding Support The Health Department's Breastfeeding Support Program works to provide support for new mothers at their workplaces, child care providers, and in public venues.
Childhood Obesity Prevention The Childhood Obesity Prevention program promotes breastfeeding, physical activity, and healthy eating in early childhood centers.
Communities That Care CTC is a community-driven process that prevents youth substance use, delinquency, and violence by selecting and implementing effective programs and policies.
Cooking Matters Cooking Matters helps parents and caregivers struggling with limited food budgets learn how to shop for and cook healthy, affordable meals.
Healthy Eating Active Living HEAL focuses on the built environment, policies, and systems that have a strong influence on health and obesity prevention.
Safe Sleep Campaign The Weld County “Safe Sleep Campaign” is designed to educate parents and the public on how to prevent infant suffocation.
Tobacco Education and Prevention Program The Weld County Tobacco Education and Prevention Program works to create a tobacco-free environment through education, prevention, and cessation services.
Substance Use Disorder Education and Prevention This program supports education, communication, and prevention strategies for substance use disorder with a variety of partners in Weld County.
Weld County Regional Opioid Council Using funds from a national settlement that included Colorado, the council aims to address 3 key areas: opioid use prevention, treatment, and education.
WeldWAITS WeldWAITS offers comprehensive and holistic relationship and sexual health education with a strong emphasis on sexual risk avoidance.
Heart of Weld The Weld County Health Department offers the Heart of Weld, a National Diabetes Prevention Program designed for individuals who are prediabetic or are at high risk for developing prediabetes/diabetes.